The schauberger rotor
Rotor made from Viktor Schauberger drawings and studies on vortex mouvements from its naturalist observations.
Resine, 150x150cm, 2019.
Alick Bartholomew, in his book, The genius of Viktor Schauberger, Floris Book 2003, reports:
July 2002, Fane's Defense Weekly revealed that it had knowledge of documents relating to secret research conducted by Boeing, which confirmed the successful development of a Russian experimental device - consisting of rapidly rotating superconducting ceramic discs "floating" in the magnetic field induced by three electric coils placed in an enclosure at low temperature. The man behind this research is Dr Yevgueny Podkletnov, a Russian scientist who was working in Finland at the time. When, in 1996, he published for the first time details concerning his antigravitational device, he was excluded by his colleagues, then expelled from his university, because the law of universal gravitation is inviolable! Later, he admitted that his father, an eminent authority on hydraulic engineering, had obtained, at the end of the war, original documents belonging to Schauberger.